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PM Checklist
One checklist per location.
How would you prefer to complete this checklist?
Printed Form
On-line Form
Please completed the printed version of the checklist.
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Once you have completed the list, please scan (or photograph) the completed list and attach it below. Please also include the required photos of the filter replacement labels and the BUNNserve decals for each asset.
Site Information
Store Name:
Store #:
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Parent Work Order #
Asset Information
Serial Number:
Does this asset have water filtration?
Filter Manufacturer:
Filter Model:
Attach photo of filter replacement label (
show sample
Attach photo of BUNNserve label (
show sample
Please complete the entire checklist before submitting. You can save incomplete lists and come back to it later if needed by using the save option near the top of this form.
Replace water filter cartridges, if used, and flush water lines for 2 minutes. If site doesn’t use filters return them to your stock.
Do not install.
Record date of filter change on BUNNserve sticker (
show sample
) and place on filter.
*** You must capture a photo of the sticker filled out and placed on the filter cartridge after installation. Ensure you attached the photo above in the attachment section. You must also record the type/number of the filer used above. ***
Clean and inspect brew temperature probe
Calibrate brew temperature
Clean/Inspect liquid level probes of lime or residue
Replace liquid level probe grommets
Delime sprayhead tubing and tank fitting
Delime bypass/dilution tube and tank fittings
Replace sprayhead (changed type in 2018)
Test operation of brew-head valve
Test operation of bypass/dilution valves
Test operation of water inlet valve
Calibrate brew/bypass/dilution volumes following instructions provided
Replace faucet seat cup
Test operation of faucet assembly
Clean/Inspect exterior of unit
Clean/Inspect brew funnels
Inspect all water lines & fittings
Calibrate batch size volume totals (unit specific) with new sprayhead in place, and bypass and dilution valves delivering proper ounces per minute. Follow directions provided.
Test unit for proper operation and function, as well as all switches and controls.
Replace the BUNNserve decal (
show sample
) on the side of each unit you touch that is most visible.
You must also capture a photo of the NEW 2022 sticker (it must state Denny’s 2022) and attach it above in the Attachment section on the form.
Attach the completed checklist with signatures (
show sample
Asset Labels
Does this asset have water filtration?
Attach photo of filter replacement label (
show sample
Attach photo of BUNNserve label (
show sample
Technician Information
First Name:
Last Name
The technician has completed all aspects of the PM and has captured all photos and information:
By selecting YES the technician is acknowledging that all work has been completed.
Please don’t hesitate to call or email us if you have questions; we are here to help facilitate your business.
Call: 800-209-2866 | Email:
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